Inna di Heart a Jah: A Day wid a Rasta Family

Deep inna di lush greenery a Jamaica’s countryside, where di fruit trees tall like giants and di stream sing sweet songs, yuh find di Morgan family. Dem live a life weh deeply rooted inna Rasta ways – a life full a nature’s gifts, spiritual connections, and living in harmony.

Morning Thanks and Togetherness

As di first light a dawn touch di earth, Zion Morgan, di head a di family, step outside, him locks wrapped up under a bright colored tam. Next to him, his queen, Mariah, and their three pickney, Selah, Jahleel, and Imani, come together fi give thanks. Dem hold hands, forming a circle a unity, giving praises to Jah for another day, for di food dem about to receive, and for di love and strength in their bond.

Feast from di Earth

Breakfast a communal vibe, with everyone gathering round fi enjoy di fruits and food from their own land. Mariah, with her loving hands, prepare a traditional meal of ackee and saltfish, with fresh fruits and ground provisions straight from their backyard. Dem sit around a wooden table under the mango tree, sharing stories and making plans under its cooling shade.

Learning from Life

Education for di Morgan youths nuh just happen inna classroom; it’s all around dem. Zion and Mariah teach dem ’bout farming, the healing power of herbs, and their rich history. The children learn respect for di earth and understand the importance of keeping things sustainable.

Afternoon of Soulful Activities

As di sun makes its journey across di sky, each member of di family finds peace in their own special way. Zion heads to his workshop to craft musical instruments from di wood dem find nearby. Mariah, with her artistic touch, paints vibrant scenes of nature and Rasta life. Di children, each with their own passion, explore, write poetry, or lose themselves in the rhythm of drumming that fills di air.

Evening Unity

With nightfall comes a gathering. Dinner is a feast of what di earth has provided. It’s a time fi laughter, reflecting on the day, and planning for tomorrow. After eating, they come together around a small fire, the night alive with the strumming of Zion’s guitar and their voices singing songs of freedom, love, and unity.

True Rasta Living

The Morgan family lives by di principles of Rastafari – harmony with di earth, seeing the divine in everyone, and building a community based on love and respect. Their days are a beautiful reflection of a way of life that’s both ancient and forever relevant, reminding us of the joy in living true and with purpose.

The image captures the essence of their togetherness around a small fire under the starlit sky, enjoying a meal and music in the lush Jamaican countryside.